(775) 420-4224
Are you prepared to work from home?
Like many other businesses, @SierraMilesGroupLLC is focused on contingency planning should the Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact us directly. We are taking extra preemptive precautions to ensure we help #flattenthecurve to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. A #workfromhome plan is already in place, we are prepared and equipped to support our clients, regardless of any quarantine emergency situation. We are actively monitoring information and guidelines as they are published and released from our State and Local official agencies as well as the CDC, National Institute of Health and OSHA.

A few questions to ask yourself to be prepared:

1.Am I prepared to work remotely?
2.Do I have the systems and services setup that allow you to effectively run business operations from a remote location?
3.Do I have documentation I need to operate my business outside of the office?
4.Do I have a business continuity and disaster plan in place?
5.If remote working is configured, is it safe and secure?

Contact us if you would like to discuss more or if you would like Sierra Miles Group to help develop a remote work and/or disaster plan to proactively address COVID-19 concerns.